Being a successful internet marketer requires that you find and sell to markets that are not been saturated. Many people that do business online, especially when they are just starting out, attempt to break into markets that are too competitive. Some common ones include internet marketing, financial niches (insurance, loans, credit cards, etc.) and/or computer software (anti-virus, anti-spam, etc.). These markets pay well and the amount of people looking to purchase them is huge. However, it is not until after they have wasted time, effort and money, do most people realize that unless you have a lot of money to advertise or have fantastic SEO skills, then these niches are best left to more experienced marketers. To avoid this scenario, it is much easier and simpler to go after niches that aren’t ultra competitive.
You may be thinking that yeah, this sounds great, but how do I find these little known niches? Well, I’m going to tell you. Don’t worry you won’t have to spend any money to uncover them. However, you will need to invest some time, effort and use the right tools. Below, is exactly how I find those niches that aren’t overly competitive but still have people looking to spend money.
1. Sign up for an account at There are two editions. The standard edition is free. The Professional one is not. Both will alert you every time a new product is added to the Clickbank Marketplace. You will be alerted two weeks after a product has been introduced with the Standard edition, while you will be notified immediately with the Professional edition.
Knowing what new products are added to Clickbank will give you a jump start on other affiliates. A lot of times you will find some fantastic products before anyone else does. You will also discover some products that are not necessarily main stream but which can still make you a lot of money. In most cases, authors spend a lot of time figuring if they have a market for the product. They won’t waste their time and/or money on developing a product that no one wants. To make sure, do some additional research to ensure that a particular niche is profitable.
2. Take 30 minutes everyday and look through the Clickbank marketplace. Now, this will require some grunt work. However, it can pay off big. Look through the categories and sub-categories that aren’t incredibly popular with affiliate marketers. Remember, when I told you that most people start off trying to promote the same products. It’s true. They will go after the most popular markets and leave the lesser known ones alone. If you can figure out what these untapped but still lucrative niches are, you can make some good money pretty quickly.
3. Go to Wordtracker or your favorite keyword research tool and type in the following phrases (not all at once of course), “How to,” “Buy,” and “Natural Remedies.” You will find that you get a robust list of potential products. Now, the only thing that you need to do is go to the Clickbank marketplace and see if there is a good product to promote.
Here are three simple ways to discover untapped niches. Remember, the most difficult way to try to make money online is to jump into competitive niches. In most cases, you will end up disappointed and your pockets a little lighter due to unsuccessful advertising campaigns. This is a common mistake that many new internet marketers. Don’t let this be you. Instead, find markets that not too many people have entered. This will give you the best opportunity to have some success. While there is no guarantee that a certain product will be a winner. There are number of factors that will determine whether or not a product sells. However, you have a far greater chance of success, especially if you don’t have to worry about high pay-per-click costs, with smaller more obscure niches.
You may be thinking that yeah, this sounds great, but how do I find these little known niches? Well, I’m going to tell you. Don’t worry you won’t have to spend any money to uncover them. However, you will need to invest some time, effort and use the right tools. Below, is exactly how I find those niches that aren’t overly competitive but still have people looking to spend money.
1. Sign up for an account at There are two editions. The standard edition is free. The Professional one is not. Both will alert you every time a new product is added to the Clickbank Marketplace. You will be alerted two weeks after a product has been introduced with the Standard edition, while you will be notified immediately with the Professional edition.
Knowing what new products are added to Clickbank will give you a jump start on other affiliates. A lot of times you will find some fantastic products before anyone else does. You will also discover some products that are not necessarily main stream but which can still make you a lot of money. In most cases, authors spend a lot of time figuring if they have a market for the product. They won’t waste their time and/or money on developing a product that no one wants. To make sure, do some additional research to ensure that a particular niche is profitable.
2. Take 30 minutes everyday and look through the Clickbank marketplace. Now, this will require some grunt work. However, it can pay off big. Look through the categories and sub-categories that aren’t incredibly popular with affiliate marketers. Remember, when I told you that most people start off trying to promote the same products. It’s true. They will go after the most popular markets and leave the lesser known ones alone. If you can figure out what these untapped but still lucrative niches are, you can make some good money pretty quickly.
3. Go to Wordtracker or your favorite keyword research tool and type in the following phrases (not all at once of course), “How to,” “Buy,” and “Natural Remedies.” You will find that you get a robust list of potential products. Now, the only thing that you need to do is go to the Clickbank marketplace and see if there is a good product to promote.
Here are three simple ways to discover untapped niches. Remember, the most difficult way to try to make money online is to jump into competitive niches. In most cases, you will end up disappointed and your pockets a little lighter due to unsuccessful advertising campaigns. This is a common mistake that many new internet marketers. Don’t let this be you. Instead, find markets that not too many people have entered. This will give you the best opportunity to have some success. While there is no guarantee that a certain product will be a winner. There are number of factors that will determine whether or not a product sells. However, you have a far greater chance of success, especially if you don’t have to worry about high pay-per-click costs, with smaller more obscure niches.