Guest post by Michelle Meine
You've probably found yourself in a situation that, no matter how much money you make, you just can't pay all the bills. They keep coming, but you can't find the money to pay for them all. After going through an experience like that, naturally, you'll try to find a way to make some extra money. When you come to this stage, the inevitable question is: „Where to start?“
You have probably heard about that guy from your friend's friend who makes a fortune online. If you're not into computers and internet, that may seem a little strange to you – but if you think about it, it's really not. Many people earn money on the internet all the time. Some make enough to cover some extra needs they have, while some work full time online.
Let me tell you some basic steps what you need to do to start earning money online.
1. Learn how to earn money online - Everyone wants to start earning right away, but it's just not how this works. You have to take the time to read some good articles, tutorials and how-tos before you start.
2. Make a blog – Today, almost everyone has a blog. There are many free services that allow you to open a blog for free, and write. You should pick a topic that interests you (so you don't lose interest in the future) and just write. Don't think about the money primarily right away. It will come, believe me.
3. Affiliate programs – When your blog gets going, and you acquire some regular visitors, register for an affiliate program. There are various programs out there (use Google to find the best ones for your niche). Put them on your site, and just wait for the money to come in.
4. Sell advertising space – If your blog becomes successful, people will contact you and buy advertising space. You just put their banner on your site, and you get paid.
Of course, while doing all this, keep on reading. Don't ever think that you know it all, because things change all the time on the internet. Follow as many informative blogs as possible, get a membership on a reputable forum and chat with other webmasters, etc.
In the end, let me say one thing that you need to remember. You need to have patience in order to succeed. Success doesn't come overnight. You have to wait, and the time will come.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Where to Start
8:41 PM
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