Although you must have begun blogging for business after carefully selecting a good theme for your blog, you still need to be very sure of knowing your target audiences before you actually come up with your blog. It is important to understand the kind of people you want to address in your blog before you go ahead and start posting content on it. You need to do proper research else you will fail in your goal of creating the blog.
The people who surf the web have diverse backgrounds and liking so it is important that you understand what segment of the market you want to target. Which is your target market and this largely depends on the kind of service or product you offer. Once you identify the target market, it becomes easy for you to devise your blog in way that caters to the needs and interests of the customers. The nature of the product decides the demography of your customer. Before coming up with a theme for your blog you need to draft a kind of profile of your prospective customer whom you want to address in your blog. The target market segment comes with the basic demographic profile that can be segregated on basis of age, gender, and social or economic status.
• Age: what does your target market actually covers, does it comprise of children, teenagers, adults, or senior citizens?
• Gender. Are your target clients male, female, or transgender?
When considering the theme of your blog you should make sure that the theme of your blog or profile should match the target audiences. The above mentioned classification can be really broad but they certainly cover all the probable categories of the clients. These profile or sets of traits should match the characteristics or features of the products or services that you are offering. Remember, however, that these classifications are still relatively broad and apply only to basic commodities where product differentiation by consumers is still not so distinct. Examples are medicines or medical services, foods, educational services, and others.
For stricter market segmentation, you can differentiate your target markets or narrow them further according to customer temperaments, needs, goals, and fears. Specifically, you can distinguish them according to:
• Needs – sense of accomplishments, sense of belonging, self actualization
• Goals – productivity, efficiency, savings, safety
• Temperaments – serious, happy go lucky, complacent
• Fears – old age, poverty, ill health, rejection
There are still more categories to further narrow your market segment such as educational attainment, life style, mindset, family size, political views, etc. These are relevant if the products or services that you are offering are highly specialized or customized such as travel or vacation packages, luxury cars, high tech gadgets, and other.
Having a clear picture of the common characteristics of your target market when blogging for business will help you decide what theme or blog design to use, the appropriate mode or tone of your article, and the right web graphics that you need to employ.
These details may overwhelm you at first. But, you should realize that your purpose for blogging is to attract web users who are more likely to use your products or services and to influence them to buy and patronize what you offer. Bear in mind as well that customers now are more discriminating, especially if the products are quite expensive. They scrutinize details and compare them with competing brands.
So to make your blog more effective, know your products well and create a profile of your target market based on your products' characteristics and features. Then, post blog content that will appeal to your target market. Remember, your business blog is created to generate sales. Keep your focus so you will not waste time and effort when blogging for business.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Knowing Your Target Market for Effective Blogging For Business
6:24 PM
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