Is article marketing even worth it? There are many internet as well as affiliate marketers who benefit a lot from article marketing and they will tell you that it is not only worth the trouble, but it is one of the best methods of making money that you can ever come across. Though article marketing itself will not be able to make money for you, article marketing improves the methods in which you will be able to make money.
There are many benefits of article marketing and they are listed here to show that they are worth the effort and time spent on them.
1. Increases search engine optimization: The search engine optimization of your site increases when you have a lot of articles that are marketed with a link to your site. If the articles are having links that lead back to your site, then the search engines have an increased page rank to your site and also lead a lot of traffic to your site.
2. Increased links to your site: There are a lot of links that are leading to your site when you post your articles in various article directories. As you post your articles either by manual submission methods or through article submission methods, the article can become viral and so you will be able to reach many people who are interested in your article or your site and the contents of the site.
3. Increases popularity of site: The popularity of the site that you are the webmaster of will be increased. As you do more article marketing, there will be more people who will learn of your site and this will increase the traffic to your site and so the popularity of your site is sure to increase. This is another major advantage of article marketing.
4. Increases traffic: All the above advantages are aimed at one aspect and that is to increase the traffic that reaches your site. Every webmaster has one goal initially and that is to have as much traffic to the site as possible. The increase in traffic is possible because of the number of links and also the popularity of the site, but all these are made possible because of article marketing.
These are some of the major advantages of article marketing and this makes article marketing worth the time and effort that you put in.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Is Article Marketing Even Worth it?
8:11 PM
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